What is MRP?
M:POWER Rewards Program (MRP) is a special initiative for our most valued friends and contacts to say thank you for participating in the growth and success of our organization.
“We believe it’s only right to give back as a Finder’s Fee a percentage (10%) of the income that we secure as a result of a recommendation from a friend or contact.”
Finder’s fees are applied to all projects secured through recommendations, once payment for a project is received. If the new project is a retainer contract, finder’s fees are calculated following payments, monthly or otherwise, agreed with the new client.

Step 1: Recommend
Recommend M:POWER to a contact;
promote our brand and help us secure a meeting with a decision-maker at the company.
Step 2: Secure
M:POWER secures a new project or retainer contract.
Step 3: Share
As soon as payment for a project or retainer contract is received, M:POWER shares with you 10% of the income generated by your recommendation as a finder’s fee.
NB: If a retainer contract is secured, finder’s fee will be made after every payment by the client for a maximum of 1 year.