To stand out from the crowd, future leaders will need to be equipped with sophisticated communications and business English skills they can leverage in interactions with peers in the international arena?

Language and communication challenges for future business leaders will be increasingly more complex. Expectations are that in a few years, fluency in 2 or 3 languages will be the norm. In the business world, English will continue to play a dominant role. Having a firm grasp of complex grammatical structures, wide vocabulary and business jargon, a good accent, oral fluency will all be taken for granted.

M:POWER's Future Leaders business English program allows the new generation of leaders to take advantage of many facets of our rigorous Executive Business program.

A comprehensive evaluation is done prior to commencement of the course to help determine current language capabilities, as well as specific needs, challenges, and deadlines, in order to develop a highly customized course curriculum. Courses focus on developing specific language skill areas:

Speaking fluency & accuracy

Listening comprehension





Depending on need, participants also have the opportunity to strengthen communication capabilities relevant for specific individuals based on their job roles, responsibilities and needs: public speaking and presentations, business writing, meetings, negotiations, persuasion, conference calls, media interviews, etc.