Functional Program: Interviewing


Course Description

Effective business professionals must know how to gather important information – whether it be to assess a job applicant, conduct essential research, or confer with a professional counterpart. The most effective means of information-gathering has long been interviewing. Effective interviewing enables you to:

– Gain direct access to the source of information you seek
– Gather information about the person who holds the information, and assess his/her credibility, demeanor, and body language, all of which are critical to your accurate evaluation of information
– Gather information beyond that you may have initially planned to gather

M-POWER’s Interviewing course is designed to give you the skills, strategies, and techniques to confidently and successfully participate in any business interview. These skills are equally necessary for professionals who sit for interviews as well as those who conduct interviews. The Interviewing course teaches you how to:

– Prepare for an interview
– Set goals for the interview
– Draft an outline to guide the interview process
– Use both open-ended and closed questions strategically
– Develop new information by asking good follow-up questions
Understand body language
– Expand listening comprehension skills

In addition, you’ll learn:

– Techniques for handling difficult questions and evasive answers
– Strategies for maintaining control of the interview, whether you are conducting or sitting for the interview
– Strategies for how to handle difficult and challenging situations that can occur during interviews

Throughout the course, role-playing exercises enable you to practice and develop these essential interviewing skills and strategies.