Applied Use Program: Intercultural Training


Course Description

In today’s international marketplace, companies are doing business across diverse geographic regions and cultures with ever increasing frequency. The expanding global economy has encouraged business leaders to reach across these vast geographical and cultural divides to forge relationships and seize commercial opportunities. In order to make these connections, business professionals must have “cross cultural fluency”.

Our Intercultural Training course was developed specifically:

1. to equip today’s business leaders with the necessary skills to communicate persuasively and navigate cross-cultural differences in the global marketplace;
2. to equip students with the skills to traverse cross-cultural differences to build strong business relationships;
3. to teach students how to communicate persuasively across diverse cultural norms;
4. to explore the diverse commercial customs and practices of the world’s major business hubs;
5. and, in particular, to dissect the elements of relationship building, decision-making and problem solving across a broad range of business cultures.

Students will also receive the benefit of instruction from our select panel of adjunct faculty of business consultants who are experts in their respective fields. They will present on the latest commercial practices, cultural interactions and styles for business conducted in Asia, the Middle East, the United States, and South America.

We use role-play and simulations during the course to provide students with the opportunity to practice essential communication skills. At the end of the course, each student will have developed the knowledge and communication skills to do business with confidence in the major commercial centers of the world.